A tribute to Giovanni Palatucci
"...the angel of the Jews"
As a police chief in Fiume, Italy he saved many Jews by destroying and falsifying papers to ensure their freedom. Arrested in 1944, he was deported to the Dachau concentration camp, where after only five months at the age of 36, he gave his own life.
The train station of Montella, in the province of Avellino in a picture of the 1940's
Biagio "Gene" De Simone
This website is dedicated to Giovanni Palatucci by one of his direct descendants, Gene De Simone, also born in Montella Italy and now residing in Pennsylvania, United States of America.
Gene is honored and proud to be related to Giovanni Palatucci, and a small token of his  love has decided to share as much information as possible in English for anyone to appreciate and honor Giovanni Palatucci
Left : Giovanni Palatucci (sitting) with some of the co-workers in Fiume Italy
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This non-profit web site was created by John Costa
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In 1995 to commemorate the National Day of the Police, a special medal and award was issued to commemorate Dr. Giovanni Palatucci. In the photo, then President of Italy, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro (left) presented the recipient
Courage Award by Jewish Anti Defamation League
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Jan Zwartendijk award October 30,2005
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From:http://www.associazionegiovannipalatucci.it/A Message from the President of the above association JUNE 21, 2013
(original in Italian, below is English translation)
As you have seen for yourself for some time, some of the media are not only trying to revisit the historical memory of Giovanni Palatucci. Both yesterday and today, in fact, many national newspapers and non-featured articles undo the work of Giovanni Palatucci.This creates a deep sorrow and regret for all those who in recent years have made the footsteps of John in search of the Truth.The authors of the above items maybe are not aware of the many affidavits and recorded minutes that are preserved in the archives of our Association.Testimonials of many men and women who, through the work of the Commissioner Palatucci have managed to save their life.Let us not forget that during these years many people have chosen to explore the figure of Palatucci through a scientific study later transformed into a thesis in several Italian universities.Certainly these events urge us even more to set out in search of the truth and this is the task of our association and that of each of us. Always united in the Lord in the cordiality and fraternity.Father Angelo Maria Oddi
Carissimi amici,
come avete potuto verificare voi stessi già da diverso tempo alcuni organi di stampa e non solo stanno tentando di rivisitare la memoria storica di Giovanni Palatucci . Sia ieri che oggi infatti, tanti giornali nazionali e non, riportano articoli in cui viene annullata l’opera di Giovanni Palatucci.Tutto ciò crea un profondo dolore e rammarico in tutti coloro che in questi anni si sono messi sulle orme di Giovanni alla ricerca della Verità.Gli autori dei succitati articoli forse non sono a conoscenza delle tante testimonianze giurate e verbalizzate che si conservano negli archivi della nostra Associazione.Testimonianze di tanti uomini e donne che, attraverso l’opera del commissario Palatucci sono riusciti a salvare la propria vita.Non di meno va dimenticato che nel corso di questi anni tante persone hanno voluto approfondire la figura di Palatucci attraverso uno studio scientifico trasformato in seguito in tesi di laurea in diversi atenei italiani.Certamente questi eventi ci sollecitano ancora di più a metterci in cammino alla ricerca della verità ed è proprio questo il compito della nostra associazione e cioè di ciascuno di noi. Sempre uniti nel Signore nella cordialità e fraternità.don Angelo Maria Oddi
Father Angelo Maria Oddi,President of the Italian Association Giovanni Palatucci, responds to some media attacks on Giovanni Palatucci in 2013
Giovanni Costa - In 2013 a publication attacked Giovanni Palatucci as not only not being a savior of Jews, but in fact a collaborator of the Nazis (which makes no sense as he was deported and died in a concentration camp). In this age of "cut and paste" internet the disparaging article, was picked up and posted many times. Many independent studies were done. No one came up with the result that he worked for the Germans. The only dispute is whether is saved 1000, 5000, 200, 500 or 3233 (number at random) Jews. The true and exact number does not matter. Saving ONE LIFE makes you a hero, so we will not spend any additional time on this topic. Giovanni was and will remain a hero...